Fendt 920 van Erik307

Fendt 920

Foto van een Fendt 920. Bought a new snowplow for the 920 this season, Norwegian brand called Tellefsdal 😄 Great combination for my type of snowplowing 😃


Can jou adjust the side parts individually so it can work totally to the left or right?
Nice plow. The first did only to the right i thougt?
Did jou buy this one too or is the other one gone?
@Fendt926Driver Yes I can adjust it allmost like i want, it can go to both sides or in the shape of a V so i collect alot of snow in the plow 😄 very useful on parkinglots and also on roads 😄 yeah thats right, the first one was made only for clearing roads really. I bought this one also so i have both, the other one is great if there is alot of snow, like over 1,5 meters. Very good tractor to plow snow with i think, so strong and heavy that its like a buldozer
@Erik307 do you have the great drivers licence so you can drive 50kmh with your tractor? Or may all tractors only drive 40 kmh
@Fendt926Driver Yeah i Have 😄 In norway you can drive 50 km/h when you turn 18 and take a safety course for 50 km/h tractors 😄 how are the rules there?
The rules now is that you may drive 25kmh bij law
Most machines drive 40kmh. And the police is most time ok with it.
I drive 50 kmh and is also no problem till now....
They want licence plates on the tractors and 40 kmh standard. Bij 50 kmh you must go once a year let a mechanic let control your vehicle
@Fendt926Driver only 25? thats not much. Must be very boring for cars to be behind also then. I think that soon 50 km/h tractors must be controllet by a mechanic here also. When plwoing snow i travel very far during a day so 50 km/h is very timesaving for me so i find it very useful.
@Erik307 the 25 kmh is an old law.
How much km do you drive on a regular day snow plowing?
And once a day or sometimes also 2 or 3 times the same traject
And do you also have a car that throws salt or anything else on the plowed road
@Fendt926Driver If it is snowing all day we go 2-3 rounds a day 😄 One round is about 40 km so not very long, but we plow snow on some big parking lots also so theres plenty to do 😄 We have a salt and sand spreader on the 716 that takes care of that

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